Helping You Be Your Best Self!

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What Is Hypnotherapy?

Who is Hypnotherapy For?

Hypnosis is a relaxed (trance) state that allows for changes at a subconscious level. It is a natural state that we encounter all the time. Whenever you're "in the zone", or "lost in thought", or can't remember the last page you read - you're in a hypnotic trance!

Hypnosis is a completely normal State of Being

Hypnotherapy allows your subconscious to help you!

Our subconscious drives much of our behavior, we need to talk to it directly for quick and clean changes

Our subconscious is often TRYING TO GET OUR ATTENTION!

Is one "part of you" at odds with another "part of you"?

No / Low Induction

Many protocols do not require deep hypnotic trance, if you would prefer

Content Free

I don't even need to know the topic. I can just call it "the problem" or "that thing"

Individualized Sessions

Every session is designed for the individual. I do not use pre-written scripts.

Zoom Online Session!

Hypnotherapy works VERY well with online Zoom sessions. Near or far - we can do this!

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About Me

I was born with a immune system disorder that had me frequently in sickbed. I was loved and got good medical care, but it was often lonely and I didn't always understand why I was in bed all the time. Even with a happy childhood, this long-term experience had an impact of my psychological development.

When I was 16 years old, my mother was run over by a car. After a long hospital stay, she was in a hospital bed in our family room for a year. This started me on a long road of therapy and self-help.

After decades of self-help work and curiosity about Hypnotherapy, I took the plunge during COVID to learn hypnosis. I'm now a Certified Hypnotist helping people change their lives via this amazing process.

I know what people go through with mental health. I'm healing myself at the same time!

It's my honor to help you heal and achieve all of your goals!


“Thank you! This was a great experience. You hit on a lot of intervention techniques that I use with clients myself--having a guide is better than trying to do them by yourself. Definitely helped in some stressors I was having. I always like knowing the theory behind an intervention, and advise students that if they don't know why they are doing something, then they probably should not be doing it. Your practice was presents the interventions in ways I had not really considered, but is still grounded into the theory. That innovation helps break past my intellectual "Oh I know this" mindset. Thank you again!”

-- James T. Meadows, LMSW

"I just had a session with Jamie this past weekend. I have a fear of falling. I have had several falls. I haven’t had any in the last year. My health is so much better and with the weight off it helps! She did a 45 minute session and wow!!! I couldn’t believe it. She made me cry and I felt it but tears didn’t come out of my eyes until I opened them! It was amazing. I feel like my legs and feet are so light. I am walking faster and easier. I have gone down steps not holding on to something in fear, but I’m still cautious. She told my self-conscious to go down those stairs but to be cautious, so I don’t hurt myself."

- Barb Garrison

"I worked with Jamie a couple of times and found her approach enlightening, affirming, and helpful. Not only was she a great listerner, she made me feel comfortable and safe. During one session we tried a new type of experience using imagery. It was a fascinating experience I'll never forget. I went into our session with certain expectations. I left with a new sense of empowerment, joy, and loving closure on an issue I neede help with. I'm so happy I had the opportunity to work with Jamie and I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again in the future."

- TA

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

We don't choose whether or not to have programming.

We can choose between the programming we impact -

or the programming that impacts us!

Take yourself off Auto-Pilot! We can change this for you!

Don’t Wait Any Longer

Start Healing Today!

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